Destinasyon Çekicilik Unsuru Olarak Bağ Rotaları: Urla Bağ Yolu Rotasındaki Şarap Evlerine Yönelik Çevrimiçi Yorumların Değerlendirmesi (Vineyard Routes as a Destination Attraction Element: Evaluation of Online Comments about the Wine Houses on the Urla Vineyard Road Route)
Destination attraction, Wine route, Vineyard route, Urla, Wine tourismAbstract
Wine routes, vineyard routes, vineyard houses and wine production businesses on these routes are important attraction elements that provide a competitive advantage for a tourism destination. Therefore, the existence of these routes and businesses can significantly affect visitors when making a holiday decision. These routes and businesses have a positive effect, especially on visitors who want to gain experience within the framework of gastronomy tourism or take their existing experiences to the next level. Izmir is among the leading tourist destinations in Turkey in terms of its tourism attractions. In Urla, an important district of İzmir, the "Urla Vineyard Road Route" was created in 2013 and the wine houses on the route have added extra value to the tourism attractiveness of Izmir. In this context, the Urla destination needs to examine the impact of this vineyard route and wine houses on tourists as a destination attraction. Visitors to the region share their positive or negative evaluations and comments about their experiences using different internet-based platforms. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of the prominent attractions on the route by examining the comments shared by those who visit the wineries on the Urla Vineyard Route on TripAdvisor. Qualitative research method was used in the research and comments about the wine houses on the route were subjected to content analysis. According to the analysis results, the common themes on which the comments focused were determined as information about the Urla Vineyard Road Route, information about the facility, internal and external features of the facility, and recommendation status for the facility, information about Urla destination, visitor experience and complaints. Based on these findings, relevant conclusions have been drawn for the field.
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