Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Dijital Değişim: Tüketicilerin QR Kod Menü Deneyimini Anlamak (Digital Change in Food and Beverage Businesses: Understanding Consumers' QR Code Menu Experience)
Generations, Consumer opinionsAbstract
With the COVID-19 pandemic, printed menus have been replaced by QR code menus. QR code menus, which can be read via smartphones, digital tablets and other electronic devices, offer consumers a hygienic/healthy, fast and easy experience. Determining consumers' perceptions, attitudes and behavioural intentions based on this technology is important for customer satisfaction and business interests. This study examines consumers' attitudes towards QR code menus, their adoption of these menus, their desired features and their future usage intentions. At the same time, it tries to reveal the differences in experience between generations. In this direction, data were collected from 39 consumers using the interview technique and the data were analysed in MAXQDA (24.2.0) package programme. The findings consist of 7 themes and the relationships between the main themes and the generations variable were analysed with the code matrix. The QR code menu is perceived as hygienic and healthy compared to the printed menu, and it is seen that especially Generations Y and Z are more open to this experience. Although the QR code menu has positive features such as easy/practical, fast and detailed, as well as remarkably negative features, it has been determined that it does not negatively affect consumers' intention to use it in the future, but it has features that need to be developed technically.
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