Unutulmaz Çay Turizmi Deneyimi (Memorable Tea Tourism Experience)


  • Kübra ÖZER
  • Elif ACUNER




Memorable tourism experience, Tea tourism, Experience of tourist, Rize


Tourists gain experiences because of their travels. The extent to which the experience of happiness, satisfaction, and contentment increases for tourists determines how memorable they consider their experience to be. Memorable experiences for tourists shed light on their future travel plans. The memorable tourism experience varies from person to person and the factors that make the experience memorable in various tourism types are similarly diverse. This study aims to identify the factors that make the experience of tourists participating in tea tourism memorable. A qualitative research approach with a phenomenological design was chosen to obtain detailed information about the experiences of tourists, and data were obtained using semi-structured interview technique. Purposeful sampling method and snowball sampling method were used to identify tourists participating in tea tourism in the Rize destination. Due to the limited number of people participating in tea tourism and the recurrence of the data obtained, interviews were conducted with ten people. The data obtained at the end of the interviews were analyzed using the MAXQDA 22 program. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis from the deductive data analysis technique. As a result of the analyzes, among the factors that make tea tourism unforgettable, acquiring knowledge, experiencing hedonic pleasure, local culture, nature, and actively participating in activities are included. As a result of the study findings, various recommendations have been made to practitioners to make the experience of tea tourists memorable.


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How to Cite

ÖZER , K., & ACUNER , E. (2024). Unutulmaz Çay Turizmi Deneyimi (Memorable Tea Tourism Experience). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(1), 122–146. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2024.1372