Popüler Kıyı Destinasyonlarında Yer Alan Sakin Şehirlerin Tanıtım Filmlerinin Analizi (Analysis of Promotional Movies of Slow Cities Located in Popular Coastal Destinations)
Cittaslow, Promotional film, Coastal destinationsAbstract
The slow city movement, which emerged against the fast and consumption-based city understanding, aimed to live at a pace that will enjoy life, to protect the natural, and to prevent uniformisation. In addition, the slow city has become a philosophy that aims to protect traditions and customs, localism and crafts. Rapid developments in the field of information and technology have made promotional activities increasingly important. In this context, various promotional films have been prepared by tourism directorates, local administrations and non-governmental organisations to support promotional activities. In this study, which was conducted using content analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, the promotional videos of Seferihisar, Foça, Köyceğiz, Finike and Gökçeada districts, which are located in the Aegean and Mediterranean coastal regions of Turkey and entitled to receive the title of Cittaslow, were analysed. In the study, it is aimed to determine whether there are visual or auditory images that meet the criteria of slow cities in the promotional films of these districts. According to the research findings, Seferihisar promotional film was the promotional film with the highest number of images. As a result of the research, it was observed that the promotional films did not include enough visual or auditory images that correspond to the criteria of a slow city.
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