A Review to Overrecreation on Effects and Future Perspectives
Overrecreation, Sustainability, Future perspectiveAbstract
Overrecreation is emerging as a new concept that ecological environment and sustainable tourism activities have faced in recent years. There are some negativities such as uncontrolled growth, density and unplannedness brought about by this development. Recreational activities carried out without considering these problems can lead to discussions at both the national and international levels after a certain period of time. The problems that can be caused by the intense interest in recreational activities in destinations have brought up the issue of "overrecreation", which is becoming increasingly important in the literature. This research presents the foreseen future perspectives on the subject by addressing the basis, effects and consequences of overrecreation. With this research, it is aimed to contribute to overrecreation, which is limited in the related literature. As a result of the research, it is understood that scientific studies on the subject are insufficient and authorized institutions do not act sensitively. While it is understood that the subject is expressed in a very limited way in the relevant literature, it is observed that the negative effects are not taken into account. In the field of application, it is understood that the large number of participants and possible harm to the environment are ignored due to commercial concerns.In the light of the results obtained, some suggestions are presented and attention is drawn to the issue of overrecreation.
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