Turistlerin Finansal Memnuniyeti ile Finansal Tavsiye Almalarının Finansal Yetenekler Aracılığıyla Tavsiye Etme Niyetlerine Etkisinde Sosyal Medyanın Düzenleyiciliği (The Moderating Effect of Social Media on the Effect of Tourists' Financial Satisfaction


  • Nurgül BOZ




Financial satisfaction, Financial advice, Financial capability, Recommendation intention, Social media


This study examines the moderating role of social media in the relationship between financial satisfaction, financial advice, financial capabilities, and the intention to recommend among Russian, German, English, and Polish tourists visiting the Alanya district. To achieve the research objective, surveys were distributed in four different languages (German, Russian, English, and Polish) to 261 tourists visiting Alanya. Confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and Heyes Model 59 test were utilized for data analysis. Model 59 results were reported in two different models, and the moderator results were obtained. The research found that the model measuring the impact of financial advice on the intention to recommend through financial capabilities was significant. Additionally, a strong regulatory role of social media was identified in the relationship between the intention to recommend through financial capabilities and financial advice. Furthermore, although the model measuring the impact of financial satisfaction on the intention to recommend through financial capabilities was significant, no moderation by social media was observed. Finally, the research concluded that receiving financial advice contributes to increasing financial satisfaction.


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How to Cite

BOZ , N., & AHMETOĞULLARI , K. (2024). Turistlerin Finansal Memnuniyeti ile Finansal Tavsiye Almalarının Finansal Yetenekler Aracılığıyla Tavsiye Etme Niyetlerine Etkisinde Sosyal Medyanın Düzenleyiciliği (The Moderating Effect of Social Media on the Effect of Tourists’ Financial Satisfaction . Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(4), 2733–2759. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1316