İkinci El Pazarlarında Üretim ve Satış Yapan Kadın Girişimcilerin Sürdürülebilir Pazarlamaya Etkileri: Köyceğiz İlçesi Örneği
Second-hand market, Women entrepreneur, Sustainable marketingAbstract
International unions, environmental non-governmental organizations and states constantly express in global common platforms that future generations will have to continue their lives with great difficulties and call for urgent measures to be taken. In this context, second-hand markets are considered as an element that can contribute to reducing the amount of waste in many sectors and recycling, a concept used within the scope of sustainable marketing. It is thought that the role of women entrepreneurs is important in the functionality of the second-hand markets and their contribution to sustainable marketing. In this study, the role of women entrepreneurs in the formation and effectiveness of second-hand markets is determined and their contributions to sustainable marketing are examined. The aim hand markets in sustainable marketing. With this study, it is planned to make both sustainable marketing activities and women entrepreneurship more effective in second-hand markets. One of the goals of the study is to bring the materials used by women in the disadvantaged group in the labor market to the position of reproducing. With these aspects of the research, it is thought to be an original study in terms of eliminating the deficiency in the literature. Qualitative research method was used in the study. It is assumed that the study will mobilize and shed light on potential women entrepreneurs who want to venture in this field but do not dare.
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