Determination of Internship Place Selection Criteria of Students in Tourism Field With Pre-Bachelor’s Degree Education By SWARA Method
Tourism, Internship, Internship Place, Selection Criteria, SWARAAbstract
The study aims to determine the criteria that university students consider when choosing an internship site. The criteria taken into consideration in the study were determined with the opinions of tourism department students within the scope of literature review and expert opinion. After the criteria were determined, a SWARA (Step-by-Step Weight Rating Ratio Analysis) swara form was created and this form was applied separately to a group of 10 students doing internship in the tourism program and a group of 10 students not doing internship. The SWARA method was applied to the data obtained from two separate student groups with the criteria form and the priorities of the criteria were determined for each student. Then, the final priorities were determined by averaging the values found for each criterion in terms of students and the ranking of the criteria was made. Accordingly, as a result of the research, it was revealed that the most important criterion for students who did not do internship was self-development opportunities in enterprises, while the most important criterion for students who did internship was accommodation facilities. At the end of the study, the findings obtained in terms of the two groups were evaluated and suggestions for future studies were presented.
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