Local People’s Perceptions towards the Effect of the Festivals Held in Eskişehir
Local people, Festivals, Effects of festival, EskişehirAbstract
This study was designed to determine the local people’s perceptions towards the effects of
festivals held in Eskisehir. For this purpose, the survey technique was used for collecting
data in the study and 390 questionnaires were included in the evaluation. The obtained
data were evaluated through frequency distribution, factor analysis, Mann-Whitney U-test,
Kruskal-Wallis, and regression analysis in SPSS. As a result of the factor analysis, it is
seen that the local people’s perceptions towards the effects of festivals held in Eskisehir
consist of the dimensions of urban pride, socio-economic, cultural and negative effects. As
a result, it was determined that local people perceive urban pride, socio-economic and
cultural effects in a positive level and the negative effects in an intermediate level. Also, in
local people’s perceptions towards the effects of festivals, significant differences were
found in terms of age and the variables related to tourism. As a result of regression
analysis, it was found that the most important factors affecting the urban pride of the local
people are the socio-economic and cultural effects.
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