Employer Brand Perception in terms of Potential Employees: Sample of Akdeniz University Tourism Students
Employer brand perception, Employer brand dimensions, Potential employee, Tourism studentsAbstract
Structral changes in human resources department affected the administrative processes of
the company. As a result, companies bring up the employer brand with a various
dimensions. The aim of this study to reveal the determinants of employer brand perception
for tourism faculty students by examining the employer brand concept in terms of the
various variables. In this study, as a potential employees Akdeniz University tourism
students’ employer brand perception has been measured with developed scale. It is
observed that reputation dimension propositions are more regarded by the participants
(signficant diversity is clearly identified in terms of the tourism management 1st class
students) in the context of the dimensions of the employer branding. After the reputation
dimenson it is stated that economic and development dimension are important for the
participants. The result that development dimension is more important for women than
men according to the gender is obtained.
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