Çocukla Yemeğe Çıkmak: Ailelerin Bakışlarına Yönelik Nitel Bir Araştırma (Eating Out with Children: A Qualitative Research on Family Perspectives)
Eating out, Families with children, Decision of purchasing, Out-of-home consumption, Role of childrenAbstract
The study aiming to identify the perspectives of families with children for eating out and the services perceived inadequate at dining spaces has used a qualitative research method. Semi-structured interviews were used as the data collection method, and content analysis were used as the analysis method. During the data collection, face-to-face interviews were carried out. According to the results of the study, what parent are most sensitive about has been the healthiness of food and beverages. Using well-known and reliable brands in food preparation, using homemade burgers and potatoes, avoiding frozen goods, offering homemade lemonade and sour cherry juice rather than soda drinks to children are the issues expressed by the participants in terms of healthy food and beverage. Another issue stated by the parents included in the study is whether the dining areas and playgrounds as well as the materials used by children are hygienic. As children grow older, the expectations of the parents tend to move from games to activities. Providing child-friendly materials like tables, chairs, forks, knives, cups, etc. are among the opinions of the parents.
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