Effects on Quality Meats Traditional Cooking Methods
Cooking methods, The quality of meat, Mutagenic agentAbstract
It is known that heat which is used in the mostly preferred cooking methods in commercial
cuisines causes organoleptic, microbiological and chemical changes in the quality of the
meat. In the most frequently used cooking methods which require high heat such as
grilling, formation of the carcinogenic mutagenic agents (PAH, HA) is accelerated
although these kind of methods have positive effects on the meat in terms of taste. Despite
being unhealthy, outer crust which is obtained from dry cooking and the tasty aromatic
compounds are the features preferred by the customers. As there exists no outer crust on
the meat cooked by means of boiling, which is the healthiest method of cooking,
consumption of this kind of meat is effected in a negative way. Besides, the rate of
carnosine, which exists naturally in lots of tissues such as kidneys, hearth and brain and
also which has great importance for human health in terms of its antioxidant feature,
diminishes 50% in boiled meat.
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