İklim Değişikliğinin Turizm ve Açık Alan Rekreasyonuna Etkisinin İncelenmesi (Reviewing the Impact of Climate Change on Tourism and Outdoor Recreation)
Climate change, Tourism, Outdoor recreation, Global warmingAbstract
Tourism and outdoor recreation activities are services that many people prefer for many reasons such as relaxing, having fun, exploring, and traveling. As a result, they supply economic income to the country where the activities occur. Climate change is one of the most prominent issues of recent years that affects and concerns the entire world. The effects of climate change are felt in the tourism sector as well as in many sectors. The fact that tourism and outdoor recreation activities originate from the environment and nature causes this effect to be felt more. Despite this, studies on the relationship between climate change, tourism, and outdoor recreation are limited in the literature. From this point of view, it is aimed to review and discuss the effect of climate change on tourism and outdoor recreation in this study. In the study, a literature review was carried out and secondary data were also used. As a result of the study, it was seen that climate change affects tourism and outdoor recreation in diverse ways. It has been determined that these effects may direct the tourist flow toward different geographies in the coming years. With global warming, it is thought that tourism and outdoor recreation will become more important with the increase in the number of activity days, especially in countries such as Northern Europe, Canada, and Russia. On the other hand, the increase in extreme weather events such as heat waves and hurricanes due to climate change can cause damage to the tourism infrastructure and threaten the life safety of tourists. Strategies for quality tourism and outdoor recreation need to be developed with the participation of all stakeholders to mitigate the potential effects of climate change and adapt to these effects
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