Turizm ve Rekreasyonda Bandura’nın Öz-yeterlilik Teorisinin Bibliyometrik Analizi (Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Albert Bandura's Theory of Self-Efficacy)
Recreation, Tourism, Self-efficacy, Albert Bandura, BibliometricAbstract
Albert Bandura's theory of self-efficacy is a theory with high explanatory power, which is mainly used in the fields of medicine and psychology, but also frequently used to explain the phenomena in the field of recreation. The aim of the study is to reveal the weight of use of this theory in academic studies in the field of recreation by making a bibliometric analysis of studies that benefit from Bandura's self-efficacy theory. In the research process, the words "self-efficacy" and "Albert Bandura" were scanned in the title, and the words "recreation and self-efficacy" and "tourism and self-efficacy" were scanned as keywords. The sample of the research consists of studies using “title” and “keywords” between 1977-2022 in these four keyword titles in the Scopus database. Frequency analysis and Vosviewer statistical program were used in the data analysis process. It was determined that 114 studies were prepared between the years 1994-2022 in the context of the keywords of recreation and self-efficacy. It can be said that the number of studies in which the concepts of recreation and self-efficacy are used together is higher than the field of tourism.
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