Gastronomi Festivallerinin Mesleki Kazanımlar Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluatıon of Gastronomy Festivals in Terms of Professional Gains)
Gastronomy, Gastronomy festivals, Professional gains, StudentsAbstract
Festivals contribute to the regional economy to a large extent, establish social relations between the people of the region and the participants, and make a positive contribution to the professional development of the participants. At the same time, the number of gastronomy-themed festivals, which have gained worldwide importance in recent years, is increasing day by day and the interest in this type of festival is increasing. The research is aimed to determine the perspectives of the experts on gastronomy festivals. It has been tried to determine the contributions of such activities to the culinary profession and to the development of the students who are educated in this field. It has been tried to determine the contributions of such activities to the culinary profession and to the development of the students who are educated in this field. In the research, the views of 18 people were evaluated by face-to-face interviews, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The obtained data were subjected to content analysis. It has been determined that the purpose of the participant's participation in the festival is to benefit students, see different applications, and communicate with new people. In addition, it was emphasized that such activities are very important in terms of developing the communication network for the participants, contributing to the profession and personal development. Finally, the participants stated that many opportunities such as gaining self-confidence, socialization, and cultural interaction emerged for students participating in gastronomy festivals.
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