Antik Kaynaklar Işığında Roma Balık Sosu: Garum/Liquamen (Roman Fish Sauce in the Light of Ancient Sources: Garum/Liquamen)
Garum, Liquamen, Rome, Hellen, SauceAbstract
Throughout history, aquaculture has been one of the most important nutrients used by human beings. Ancient Anatolian, Hellenic and Roman peoples, who are the most important civilizations of the Mediterranean, also tried to make the most of aquaculture, and in this context, they produced a fish sauce called garum by using the internal organs of the fish that are not suitable for consumption. When the archaeological data is analyzed in addition to the ancient sources, it is possible to reach very important information about garum. It has been claimed that the Hellenes first produced garum using a fish called garos. In the following process, garum was also adopted by the Romans, and its name was changed to liquamen, which means to liquefy in Latin. Garum, which was consumed fondly for many yeras by the ancient Anatolian, Hellenic and Roman peoples, was often criticized by some ancient writers. Garum, which was generally produced by non-Roman entrepreneurs, was transported to the fartest corners of the empire using the trade routes of the period. Although the production and the consumption of garum ended in Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, it remained popular for a while in the lands dominated by the Eastern Roman Empire.
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