Turistlerin Artırılmış Gerçekliğe Dayalı Tur Rehberi Uygulamalarını Kabul Etme Eğilimlerinin İncelenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Study on the Investigation of Tourists’ Tendency to Adopt Augmented Reality-Based Tour Guide Applications)
Technology adoption intention, Value adoption model, Augmented reality, Tour guide applicationsAbstract
Today, it is seen that researches on augmented reality-based guidance applications in tour guiding services have a limited scope. From this point of view, it is aimed to obtain useful information about the future of tour guide applications in the research. For this purpose, tourists’ intentions to adopt augmented reality-based tour guide applications were examined within the framework of Value-Based Adoption Model (VAM). Quantitative research methods were adopted in the research, and the data were collected by questionnaire technique. The hypotheses specific to the research model, in which 291 tourists who had a holiday experience in the last 12 months were taken as a sample, were analyzed through PLS-SEM. As a result of the research, the perceived value (PV) for augmented reality based tour guide applications was positively and significantly predicted by all of the perceived usefulness (PU), perceived enjoyment (PE), perceived technicality (PT) and perceived fee (PF) variables. Theoretical and practical implications were derived from the output of these results.
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