Hepçil Beslenmeye Kıyasla Vejetaryen ve Vegan Beslenmenin Çevreye Etkisi (The Impact of Vegetarian and Vegan Diet on the Environment Compared to Omnivorous Diet)
Animal-based protein, Vegetarian diet, Vegan diet, EnvironmentAbstract
Vegetarian and vegan diets, which are types of diets in which products of animal origin are partially or completely not used, are often perceived as environmental friendly diets, because of it is preferred due to respect for animal ethics as a primary motivation. Turkish literature has ignored the actual cost of vegetarian and vegan diets to the environment based on criteria such as natural resource use or carbon emission. In order to fill this gap, this study aimed to investigate the impact of vegetarian and vegan types of diets on the environment using the literature review method. As a result, vegetarian and vegan diets costs less to the environment than omnivorous diet, but it should be supported by organic farming and an local food culture.
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