Halal Concept Package Tour Recommendation for Travel Agencies and Tour Operators: Example of Turkey
Halal Tourism, Travel, Agency, Package, TourAbstract
This study aims to present a model for halal concept travel agencies operating in Turkey. In this study, data were collected using qualitative research techniques. In addition, corporate web pages of related agencies will be examined. Face to face meetings with tourism academicians, theologians and customers will be held. The data obtained from the interviews will be coded and themes will be created. Halal tourism has become a common concept in recent years. People who adopt a conservative lifestyle want to make their holidays within the framework of their beliefs. Although Halal tourism is the first concept that comes to mind with halal concept, travel agencies have started to create package tours according to the wishes of conservative customers in recent years. However, there is no generally accepted halal package tour standard in this area. As a result of the study, it is envisaged to present a model halal package tour model for travel agencies and academicians. The biggest limitation of this study is that there are not too many halal concept travel agencies in the field of travel.
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