Ayvaini Mağarasının Turizmde Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Öneri (A Recommendation for the Tourism Opportunity in Ayvaini Cave)
Cave tourism, Adventure recreation, Ayvaini caveAbstract
Today, tourism has moved from mass tourism to alternative types of tourism. One of the alternative types of tourism is cave tourism. The caves in our country serve as show cave enterprises in general in tourism. Besides show caving, caves also have the opportunity to be evaluated within the scope of adventure tourism and recreation. In this study, the adventure tourism potential of Ayvaini Cave was examined. Caving Workshop was held in Bursa with the contributions of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality; a questionnaire was applied to cave research associations and caving sports communities. The forms of 247 people who responded to the survey were evaluated. As a result of the study, it was determined that various arrangements could be made around Ayvaini Cave and the cave could be utilized for tourism for adventure, sporting and recreational purposes.
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