The Analysis of Professional Identity Development of Tourism Students: A Case Study in Izmir


  • Selcen Seda TÜRKSOY



Cluster analysis, Intention to leave the department of tourism, Professional identity development, Professional identity status, Tourism students


The number of graduates who have studied tourism management but continued their career in other businesses rather than tourism is not unconsiderable. It is important to develop professional identities for associate and undergraduate students studying in the field of tourism to make them remain in the sector. Professional identity refers to one's awareness regarding their profession, as well as their identification with the professional groups and social class to which they belong (Mancini et al., 2015). At this point, determining the students' individual commitment to the tourism profession as well as their level of exploration and awareness during their education is critical to a positive career development. By this way, the rate of tourism students employed in the sector after graduation will increase. Meanwhile, the service quality and then customer satisfaction in tourism will be improved through the growing number of highly skilled educated employees. The research results will guide authorities in order to develop and revise policies for career development of prospective tourism employees. Data were collected from students (undergraduate and associate degree) registered in one of the governmental universities in Izmir using a structured questionnaire. The results revealed that identity statuses had a significant difference on intention to leave department of tourism. Students in achieved and foreclosure statuses are less likely to leave the their department.


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How to Cite

TÜRKSOY, S. S. (2023). The Analysis of Professional Identity Development of Tourism Students: A Case Study in Izmir. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(4), 2416–2426.