Bolu Turizm Potansiyelinin Turist Rehberleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Bolu Tourism Potential in terms of Tourist Guides)





Bolu, Tourism potential, Tourism attractions, Tourist guides


Located in the Black Sea region, Bolu has various resources when it is evaluated in terms of tourism. It is worth seeing in every period of the year due to its natural beauties and it is an example of destinations waiting to be discovered in the fields of culture and gastronomy tourism. It is possible to make the tourism characteristics of the city sustainable with various promotion and marketing activities to be carried out especially in terms of Bolu tourism. The aim of the study conducted in line with this information is to determine the tourism potential of Bolu province in terms of tourist guides. The data of the study was collected by semi- structured interview method. Opinions of the tourist guides were taken regarding the determination of the tourism potential. 16 tourist guides have been reached; The research was terminated in 12 interviews due to repetitive results. According to the data obtained; it is seen that the tourist guides are usually men, around middle age and graduate degree. In addition, thanks to higher education and the ministry, it was examined that they have a working card. It has been determined that most tourist guides provide guidance from the English language in terms of the languages in the study card. One of the results obtained in the study is that Bolu has a certain tourism potential. Another result of the study is the opinion that tourism can be revitalized with promotional activities. In addition, the results such as the need to pay attention to the carrying capacity in the centers such as Abant-Yedigöller and Gölcük were also obtained. Various suggestions have been made on revitalizing the tourism activities of Bolu. Increasing the promotional activities, extending the duration of the accommodation, establishing alternative rest centers for the tourists are among the proposed proposals.


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How to Cite

AKYURT KURNAZ, H. (2023). Bolu Turizm Potansiyelinin Turist Rehberleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Bolu Tourism Potential in terms of Tourist Guides). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(1), 10.21325/jotags.2020.562.