Mersin Marina AVM’de Bulunan Restoranlarda Çölyak Hastalarına Yönelik Sunulan Yiyecek Hizmetlerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Research to Determine the Food Services Provided for Celiac Patients in the Restaurants in Mersin Marina Shopping Cen
Celiac disease, Gluten, Grain, Restaurant, MersinAbstract
Grain products constitute the most important food source for humans. Although grain products are an important food group for consumers, they may cause Celiac disease. Thus, celiac patients should avoid gluten containing grains in their nutrition. The aim of this research was to determine restaurant applications for celiac patients. In this context, semi-structured interviews were performed with a total of eight individuals including seven chefs and one restaurant manager between 10-20 September 2018 to determine which foods were included in the restaurants in Mersin Marina Shopping Center for celiac patients and the average prices and demand levels for these foods. Based on research findings, it was detected that Gluten-free Pasta, Tandoor Meat, Salmon, Perch, Quinoa Salad, Siyez Wheat Salad and Quinoa Meatballs were cooked for celiac patients not consuming gluten in restaurants in Mersin Marina Shopping Center. It was also detected that the prices ranged between 25 and 40 Turkish Liras for gluten-free foods and the enterprises were using different cooking methods. Research findings show that the restaurants are aware of the gluten sensitivity of celiac patients.
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