Relationship Between Burnout and Intention to Leave in Hotel Establishments: The Case of Kırşehir/Turkey Hotels
Burnout, Intention to leave, Hotels, KırşehirAbstract
Burnout can cause people who are a psychological entity to melt away over time like a consumer item and then become incapacitated. Burnout, which is one of the most important problems in organizations, can harm other organization members and also the establishments, except the employee of the interlocutor himself. One of the important effects of burnout on employees is foreseen as the employee leaving the job or intent to leave. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between burnout levels of employees working in hotel establishments and their intention to leave. For this purpose, 90 usable questionnaires were collected from employees in five different hotels operating in Kırşehir. According to correlation and regression analysis, there was a moderate and positive relationship between the burnout levels of the participants and their intention to leave, while there was no significant difference between the two variables according to comparing means analysis. In line with the results obtained, suggestions were presented to the hotel managers and related stakeholders in the last part of the study.
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