Aktif Spor Turizmi Etkinliklerinde Organizatörün Algılanan Kaynak Yatırımının, Etkinlik Tatmini ve Tekrar Satın Alma Davranışına Etkisi (The Effect of Organizer's Perceived Resource Investment on Event Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in Active Spor
Sports tourism, Resource investment, Satisfaction, Dance festivalAbstract
Active sport tourism events affect the host society in an economic sense when they are sustainable. To sustain such events, theoretical models need to be developed to examine the consumption behavior of sport tourists who have heterogeneous characteristics. Therefore, it is aimed to test the theoretical model examining the relationship between perceived resource investment of the event organizer, event satisfaction and repurchase behavior, according to resource investment theory in this study. The research data were obtained from 405 active sport tourists who participated in the 6th Eskisehir Dance Festival, selected by the convenience sampling method. Data were collected through a questionnaire using face to face interview technique. In the first part of the questionnaire, the Organizers' Perceived Resource Investment Scale was included. The second part consisted of the statements evaluating event satisfaction and repurchase behavior. In the last part, there were items examing demographic information. The data were analyzed with the two-stage approach as measurement and structural model in line with the basic methodological principles of structural equation modeling. The measurement model revealed valid and reliable results. As a result of the structural model analysis, it was determined that the resource investment perceived by active sports tourists had a significant effect on event satisfaction. As a result of the structural model analysis, it was determined that the resource investment perceived by active sports tourists had a significant effect on event satisfaction. Also, it has been observed that event satisfaction has a direct effect on the repurchase behavior of active sports tourists. The data obtained from the research contribute to the literature about the consumption behavior of active sports tourists based on resource investment theory. Besides, it provides the organizers' strategic information which is the theoretical basis for understanding the consumption behavior of active sports tourists.
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