The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Trust in Supervisor in Hotel Enterprises
Psychological, Empowerment, Trust in supervisor, Hotel enterprisesAbstract
The relationship between supervisors and subordinates in professional enterprises is a factor that directly affects employees in terms of organizational behavior. Employees who have the perception that they are psychologically empowered, ensures a positive approach to the organization and contributes directly and indirectly to the productivity of the enterprise with a sense of trust. The aim of this study was to reveal the relationship between psychological empowerment and trust in supervisor in five-star hotel enterprises. The questionnaire used as a data collection technique was applied to 396 employees of seven five-star hotel enterprises operating in Antalya Kemer and Manavgat districts. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t test and analysis of variance were used for data analysis. The study results indicated that the employees' perceptions of psychological empowerment ( =3,12) and trust in supervisors ( =3,06) were moderate. However, a significant and positive (r = 0.638) association was determined between psychological empowerment and trust in supervisor. Furthermore, psychological empowerment and trust in supervisors showed significant differences according to some demographic characteristics of the employees.
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