Modeling of the Numbers of Tourists Staying at Hotels in Antalya with the Robust Ridge Regression
Multicollinearity, Outlier, Ridge regression, Robust ridge regressionAbstract
The present study aimed to determine the variables influential on the number of tourists staying at hotels in Antalya, one of the leading tourism centers in Turkey, and to model the relation between these variables by using regression analysis. The data was collected from randomly selected 37 accommodation facilities in Antalya. The presence of multicollinearity between the independent variables in the study was determined. In addition, outliers in both of x and y direction were found in the data set. In order to overcome these two problems at the same time, the ridge regression based on the Generalized M (GM) estimators, one of robust estimators, was used. As robust ridge regression based on GM estimators use GM estimations as initial estimates, they reduced the effect of outliers and allowed obtaining more reliable estimates than ridge regression. From the parameter estimates calculated using ridge GM estimators, it was observed that the variables of “hotel bed capacity”, “number of rooms in the hotel” and “number of swimming pools in the hotel” have a positive effect on the variable of “the number of tourists staying at the hotel” while the variables of “distance between the hotel and the airport” and “one nigth’s accomodation fee” have a negative effect. In addition, the biggest contribution for explaining variation in the dependent variable belonged to the variable of “number of rooms in the hotel”.
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