The Innovation Radar as a Strategic Approach to Business Model Innovation in Hotel Businesses: The Case of Swissotel Büyük Efes İzmir
Tourism innovation, Hotel innovation, Business model, Business model innovation, Innovation radarAbstract
The aim of the study is to explore how business model innovation can be realized in hotel businesses and how to implement the necessary changes to shift to a holistic innovation strategy. For this purpose, the Innovation Radar Scale developed by Chen and Sawhney (2010) has been applied to the RADAR group managers of Swissotel Büyük Efes İzmir, which is considered as a case study, and semi-structured interviews with the relevant managers were conducted. The findings suggest that the case hotel innovates on 10 dimensions of business model innovation at a high level and the "solutions and processes" dimensions seem to offer development opportunities in terms of innovation. Moreover, the existing business model of the case hotel is also structured according to the business model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). The study is of original value in providing suggestions to hotel managers about how to strategically implement business model innovation.
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