Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents


  • Nurcan KURT


Adolescent, Caffeine, Consumption, Caffeinated drinks, Caffeinated foods


Caffeine has been an important alkaloid in recent years, especially in beverages and some foods. Although there are numerous studies on the effects of caffeine on health, the number of studies conducted specifically for caffeine consumption by adolescents is rather low. For this reason, it was aimed to investigate the factors affecting caffeine consumption and caffeine consumption of adolescents in this study. The study was carried out with 500 adolescents participating in voluntary research between the ages of 14-19, who had no significant health problems. Data were obtained with the Tanita device and the questionnaire form. In the questionnaire, demographic information of adolescents, drinks and foods containing caffeine consumed, quantities of these products and consumption times of these products were included. The attitude towards cafe was tried to be determined with likert type questions. The adolescents were informed prior to the questionnaire and were asked to write caffeinated products they consumed for 3 days. Caffeine amounts in these products were then calculated. The mean values of the amounts of caffeine in these products were then calculated. Adolescents take caffeine from tea, coke, Nescafe and caffeinated foods, respectively. The amount of caffeine taken from energy drinks is rather low. Tea is consumed most at breakfast, at the meals at the cola, and at the Nescafe when the course is working. According to the girls, men consume more caffeine. Adolescents think that when they consume caffeine they focus more easily on work and increase cognitive abilities of caffeine. Adolescents should be aware of the benefits and harms of caffeine.


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How to Cite

KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, S., & KURT, N. (2023). Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(Special Issue 3), 111–124. Retrieved from