A Research for the Development of Tourism Cooperation in the Turkish World


  • Kürşad ZORLU


Turkish Republic, Central Asia, Tourism, Turkish world, Perception of identity


The use of tourism as a means to bring economic, political and cultural relations between the Turkish Republics to the desired level is a necessity of today's management. This necessity requires political / administrative mechanisms in the Turkish World to evaluate tourism on the basis of economic and cultural harmonization. For the development of relations in the field of tourism, the introduction of common identity perception has a potential to affect both tourist exchange and multifaceted relationships. The way for structural regulations to succeed is primarily the study of this situation. For this purpose in this study, it is investigated what kind of perception in terms of tourism the Central Asian Turkish Republics such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan have in Turkey. A questionnaire has been applied to social media users on this basis and the obtained data have been analyzed in the SPSS 17.0 package program. Descriptive statistics and correlation have been used as the analysis method. The perception of Turkish people towards the Central Asian Turkish Republics is becoming more intense on Turkishness and the Turkish World, and perceptual factors have an effect on the desire to go to the countries.


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How to Cite

ZORLU, K. (2023). A Research for the Development of Tourism Cooperation in the Turkish World. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(1), 182–199. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/361