The Use of Hydrocolloids in BreadMaking
Bread quality, Hydrocolloids, Staling, Dough rheologyAbstract
Bread is one of the most common and consumed food in the whole world. Therefore, nowadays there have been used several new techniques and additives to improve bread quality, retard staling and enrich the bread for nutrition. Hydrocolloids, one of the used additives for breadmaking and also known water-soluble gums, have been used for diverse puırposes such as dough and bread improvers, antistaling agents and shelf life of bread improvers. Moreover, with the development of new technologies in the bakery industry, hydrocolloids are also used in the frozen dough and pre-baked bread to prevent the structure from damage by freezing. Since the use of hydrocolloids is on the rise in bakery products, this review focuses on the effects of these additives on the rheological properties of dough and baking quality of bread.
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