Endüstriyel Kenevirin Gastronomik Değeri: Yeni Ürünlerin Geliştirilmesi, Çeşitlendirilmesi ve Tüketici Beğenisinin Ölçülmesi (The Gastronomic Value of Industrial Hemp: Development, Diversification, and Consumer Acceptance of Novel Products)
Industrial hemp, Gastronomic product, Product development, Rural developmentAbstract
This study aims to develop and diversify gastronomic products that will contribute to socio-economic and cultural development in Zonguldak, where hemp cultivation is permitted, using industrial hemp oil, flour, hemp hearts, and seeds. Additionally, the study aims to reveal the level of appreciation among consumers for these diversified products. Within the scope of the research, 10 types of gastronomic products were developed from industrial hemp for different consumption areas. In order to reveal the appreciation levels of the developed gastronomic products, sensory analyses were carried out by a group of 40 panelists who were trained by applying the experimental analysis method. The sensory data obtained were analyzed in the SPSS 22.0 program and the appreciation level averages and appreciation percentage frequencies of the developed gastronomic products were determined. As a result, the first three gastronomic products that were liked the most by the panelists were; tomato bruschetta with hemp vinaigrette sauce, baked halva with hemp hearts and chocolate with hemp hearts. The results indicate that industrial hemp, with its nutritional properties and diverse applications, has the potential to both meet consumer demands and support rural development.
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