Tüketicilerin Deneyime Açıklık Düzeyi, Gıda Yenilik Korkusu Algısı ve Yiyecek Seçimi Arasındaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesi: Mersin İli Örneği
Consumer, Food choice, Fear of food innovation, Openness to experienceAbstract
Each consumer's food preference may differ from each other. There are multiple reasons for this difference, as well as being related to the individual's personality and fears. This study addresses the relationship between consumers' openness to experience personality trait levels, perceptions of fear of innovation in food, and food choices. The research data were obtained from consumers in Mersin province through a survey. Convenience sampling method was used in order to reach consumers in the determined sample. 397 surveys were evaluated within the scope of the study. As a result of the analyzes and tests, it was revealed that as consumers' innovative status, intellectual status and non-traditional status increase, their fear of food innovation decreases. It was also concluded that consumers' fear of food novelty increased as their familiarity and ethical concerns increased. It was also found that food choice increased as consumers' innovativeness and intellectuality increased, but food choice decreased as non-traditionalism increased.
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