Gastronominin Duygusal Bileşenleri Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlama Çalışması (The Turkish Adaptation of the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale)
Gastronomy, Affective components of gastronomy, Scale adaptationAbstract
Gastronomy has become one of the most important elements of tourism and has found a place in the top ranks among the travel motivations of tourists. In this context, it is very important to determine the feelings and emotions arising from a tourist's gastronomy experiences. The purpose of this research is to adapt the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale, which has been developed in English, into Turkish and to conduct validity and reliability analyses. In line with this aim, translation and back-translation studies were conducted by English language experts and tourism academicians, followed by a pilot study, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis to finalize the scale. The Turkish adaptation of the scale consists of four items and one dimension. As a result of the analyses, the scale was found to be unproblematic in terms of Cronbach's Alpha value and factor loadings. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, all of the goodness-of-fit values showed perfect fit. The AVE and CR values of the scale were also above the accepted threshold value. In line with these results, it was revealed that the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale adapted into Turkish is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
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