İklim Değişikliğinin Ekoturizm Üzerindeki Etkileri ve Kentsel Alanlarda Adaptasyon Yaklaşımları: Türkiye ve Çeşitli Dünya Kentleri Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme
Climate change, Ecotourism, Sustainable tourism, Urban adaptationAbstract
Climate change directly and indirectly impacts ecotourism, which relies on natural resources. This study explores the question, "What urban adaptation approaches are implemented to mitigate the impacts of climate change on ecotourism?" The research examines how rising temperatures, floods, forest fires, and ecosystem degradation affect ecotourism destinations and highlights urban adaptation strategies that address these challenges. A literature review methodology is used to analyze existing studies, providing a comprehensive perspective on the relationship between ecotourism and urban adaptation. The study's significance lies in its exploration of global and Turkish examples of adaptation, such as Paris' green space initiatives, Toronto's Green Tourism Map, and Izmir's Bademler Sustainable Living Village. These projects aim to conserve natural resources, reduce environmental impacts, and boost local economies. The findings suggest that urban adaptation strategies are crucial for mitigating climate change's negative effects on ecotourism and promoting sustainability in the sector.
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