Ev Hanımlarının Yeme Pratikleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (An Evaluation on The Eating Practices of Housewives)
Eating practices, Distinction, Gender rolesAbstract
Women are the individuals who both preserve and reshape the cultural practices of eating with the food that they produce in their own home. The aim of this research is to examine how gender differs from other socio-economic factors in shaping the dietary habits of housewives. The study used qualitative research methods and an ethnographic design. Data was collected using the interview technique, which is a qualitative research method. After a total of 13 people had been interviewed, it was determined that the data had reached saturation point and the data collection process was stopped. Content analysis was used to analyse the data obtained. In line with the findings of the research, the eating habits of housewives were grouped into four categories: those who reject innovation, weight control, hedonists and modernists. While all food-related tasks in the household were attributed to women in the innovation rejection group, it was concluded that the food preparation process was expressed as a joint task of men and women in the weight control group. While the modernist group rejects traditionalism and accepts commercialised eating practices, the hedonist group does not limit their consumption of vegetables and meat and orders food from outside 1-3 days a week. In future studies, it will be possible to obtain comparative results by including male participants in the scope of the research.
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