Sağlık Alanı Öğrencilerinde Slow Food Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Beden Kütle İndeksi İlişkisi (The Relationship Between Slow Food Knowledge Levels and Body Mass Index in Health Field Students)
Slow Food, Nutrition, Obesity, University studentAbstract
Obesity has become an increasing epidemic in the world in recent years. The importance of Slow Food based nutrition, which is an alternative choice to Fast Food, is increasing. This study was conducted to determine the level of Slow Food knowledge of students studying in health departments. The study was conducted with the participation of 318 (254 female, 64 male) students. Data were collected from participants using a multiple-choice questionnaire that included their sociodemographic information, anthropometric measurements, general health information, dietary habits and the Slow Food Awareness Scale. It was determined that 47.2% of the participants were in the 21-22 age group, 79.9% were female, 68.6% were in the normal BMI class, 84.0% consumed Fast Food outdoors/online, and 78.3% had not heard of the Slow Food movement. According to the status of hearing about the Slow Food movement, it was determined that the Slow Food Awareness scale scores of those who had heard about the Slow Food movement were significantly higher than those who had not (Z=-4.51; p <0.001). According to BMI classification, it was found that there is a positive correlation among all subscale scores for individuals who are underweigt, normal weight, and overweight; however, for obese individuals, a possitive correlation was observed only between good healthy food and clean food in obese individuals (p < 0.005). In order to evaluate the perspective and knowledge level of people on the Slow Food movement, there is a need for more comprehensive studies evaluating different segments of society, including people's level of knowledge and interest.
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