Mutfak ve Kimlik: Unesco Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras (Cuısıne And Identity: Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage)


  • Çiğdem YEL



Sociology of food, Culinary, Identity, Intangible cultural heritage, Simmel


The values, rituals, beliefs and way of life that societies internalize regarding emotions, thoughts, beliefs and communication constitute culture. Cultural assets are effective in the identity and continuity of societies. As the culture of each society is different, so is the culinary culture. Culinary identity as a cultural element is one of the elements that define a society. The transfer of culinary culture from generation to generation turns into a social heritage. In this research, kitchen and identity are discussed from a sociological perspective and Simmel's explanations are utilized theoretically. In the methodology of the research, a descriptive analysis of the traditions and rituals related to Turkish cuisine on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was conducted using qualitative research method. Accordingly, it was observed that features such as social solidarity, sharing of emotions and social interaction have an important function in the formation of social identity.


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How to Cite

YEL, Çiğdem. (2024). Mutfak ve Kimlik: Unesco Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras (Cuısıne And Identity: Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(3), 2049–2063.