Gaziantep İlinin Kültür Turizm Rotasının TripAdvisor Çevrimiçi Yorumlarına Göre Oluşturulması (Creating The Cultural Tourism Route of Gaziantep Province According to Tripadvisor Online Reviews)


  • Ercan VURAL



Gaziantep, Cultural Tourism, Tripadvisor, Studio Foursquare


With the increasing technological developments, it has become easier for people to transfer their experiences and opinions about the places they have travelled and seen to other people online. There has been a significant increase in people's desire to see and experience new places and the need for routes in tourism activities has arisen. It is of great importance in the creation of tourism routes for people to visit more places by spending less time. For this reason, many tourism routes such as cultural routes, gastronomy routes, green routes, etc. are created. People's tastes and experiences are also taken into consideration in the creation of routes. In this context, many social media platforms and sites such as Tripadvisor have become a relative guide for people who will participate in tourism. Platforms such as Tripadvisor make online comments and ratings on the areas that many users have travelled and seen, and make them available to other people. The aim of the study is to evaluate the most commented and rated tourism areas in Gaziantep province according to Tripadvisor platform and to create a cultural tourism route with studio Foursquare in this context. The tourism area with the highest number of points and comments in the study area is Zeugma Mosaic Museum, and the place with the lowest number of likes and comments is Gaziantep Cultural History Museum. Tourism areas are concentrated in the city centre. Apart from these areas, tourism areas should be spread to the city centre.


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Creating The Cultural Tourism Route of Gaziantep Province According to Tripadvisor Online Reviews



How to Cite

VURAL, E. (2024). Gaziantep İlinin Kültür Turizm Rotasının TripAdvisor Çevrimiçi Yorumlarına Göre Oluşturulması (Creating The Cultural Tourism Route of Gaziantep Province According to Tripadvisor Online Reviews). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(3), 1897–1907.