Relationships Between Corporate Image Perception and Service Compensation Perception: A Study on Boutique Hotels in Core Cappadocia
Corporate image, Perception, Service compensation, Cappadocia, Boutique hotelAbstract
Businesses' primary goal in providing a service is to ensure that the service is delivered correctly. Nowadays, companies face a great deal of customer pressure and are confronted with increasingly conscious consumer expectations. Service employees facing pressure can lead to errors and shortcomings in the service delivery process. In the intensely competitive environment, businesses need to pay more attention to service recovery to differentiate themselves. The literature review suggests that customer complaints affect corporate image perception. Based on this, this study investigates the effect of corporate image perception on service recovery perception. The research is designed quantitatively and the survey technique is selected as the data collection method. Local and foreign tourists staying in boutique hotels in the Core Cappadocia were included in the study. Data was obtained from 388 tourists. The analysis results indicate that the service experiences of customers at the hotel significantly influence the corporate image. Additionally, it is emphasized that hotels should develop an effective recovery strategy and respond quickly and positively to customer complaints. This study highlights the need for hotels to improve service quality and strengthen recovery policies to increase customer satisfaction and gain a competitive advantage.
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