Uzay Turizmine Holistik Bir Bakış: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz (A Holistic Perspective on Space Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis)





Space tourism, Social sciences, Bibliometric analysis


The aim of this study is to present a holistic perspective to the literature by revealing the current status, development and trend of the studies in the field of social sciences related to space tourism, which is one of the most striking and interesting branches of the tourism industry in recent years, has made great developments, has a high added value and has a very high potential for the future, through bibliometric analysis method. In this context, English articles published on space tourism in the Web of Science Core Collection database between 2001 and 2023 were analyzed. Data were obtained using the keyword "space tourism" and VOSviewer bibliometric mapping program was used for analysis and basic analysis techniques such as co-authorship, citation network, bibliographic matching, and concept association were applied. According to the findings, it was determined that the first study on space tourism in the field of social sciences was published in 2001, the most contributing country was the UK, the most productive institution was the University of Canterbury, and the pioneering authors in the field were Han, Goehlich and Crouch. It was determined that the concepts representing the studies on space tourism were "space tourism", "space travel" and "tourism".


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How to Cite

KARATAŞ BARAN , G., & YÜZBAŞIOĞLU , N. (2024). Uzay Turizmine Holistik Bir Bakış: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz (A Holistic Perspective on Space Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(1), 686–702.