Ulusal Yazında Destinasyon İmajı Çalışmaları: Sistematik Literatür Taraması (Destination Image Studies in National Literature: A Systematic Literature Review)
Destination, Destination image, Systematic Literature Review (SLR)Abstract
The concept of destination image has been very influential in destination development and marketing since the 1970s. Destination image plays a vital role in understanding tourists' behavioral intentions and decision-making processes. Tourists make decisions based on the perception of destination image rather than reality. For this reason, destination image studies in the field of tourism have become a common research topic in national literature as well as in international literature. From this point of view, this study, it is aimed to summarize the existing information about the articles published in Turkish, which includes the concept of "destination image" in the title or keywords, and to examine how these articles are handled. Fort his aims, the systematic literature review method examined 106 articles related to destination image reached in TRDizin, DergiPark and Google Scholar databases. As a result of the review, it was determined that articles were published for the first time in 2005. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Research was the journal with the most publications on destination image and articles were published in 66 different journals. It has been determined that the most used research method is the quantitative method, and the data collection technique is the questionnaire. In addition, it has been determined that Istanbul is the most frequently researched destination and the keywords used are destination image, destination, intention to revisit, satisfaction, tourism, image, behavioral intention, destination marketing, service quality, destination belonging, destination personality, and destination loyalty. Finally, some suggestions have been developed in light of the findings obtained in the researc
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