Türkiye'de Airbnb Kullanıcılarının Tesis Değerlendirmelerini Etkileyen Faktörler (Factors Influencing Airbnb Facility Ratings in Türkiye)
Sharing economy, Airbnb, Consumer preference, Hospitality industryAbstract
Sharing platforms have emerged as more than just an alternative proposed for sustainable consumption, reflecting consumers' need for diverse and integrated solutions. This article examines the features that influence consumers' evaluation of the Airbnb platform. The features offered by the Airbnb facility are treated as independent variables. Independent variables include the location of the facility, the responsiveness of the host to inquiries, the view from the Airbnb facility, the availability of parking, the existence of heating and cooling facilities, outdoor amenities provided by the facility, additional services offered, the option for extended stays, the inclusion or exclusion of breakfast, price, and the availability of family-friendly features. The dependent variable is the overall evaluation score given to the facility. The research revealed the factors influencing consumers' ratings above the average at Airbnb facilities.
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