Gastro-Kültürel Turlara Katılan Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Otantiklik Algısı ve Tur Deneyim Kalitesi: Turist Rehberlerinin Yorumlayıcı Rolünün Etkisi (Perception of Authenticıity and Tour Experience Quality of Domestic Visitors Participating in Gastro-Cultural
Tourist guides’ interpretative role, Perception of authenticity, Experience quality, MardinAbstract
This research aims to examine the impact of the interpretative role of tourist guides on the perception of authenticity and tour experience quality of domestic visitors participating in gastro-cultural tours. The lack of studies in the tourism literature that measure the interpretative role of tourist guides on the authenticity perception and experience quality of domestic visitors participating in gastro-cultural tours makes the research valuable. A total of 626 domestic visitors who arrived in the Mardin province by tour constitute the sample of the study. For the analysis of the dataset in the research, IBM SPSS 26 and AMOS 22 statistical analysis programs were used together. Through the structural equation analysis employed in the research, it was found that the interpretative role of tourist guides had a positive and high impact on visitors’ perception of authenticity and a positive and moderate impact on visitors’ tour experience quality. Additionally, it is another finding of the study that the perceived authenticity of domestic visitors participating in gastro-cultural tours had a positive and good level of impact on the quality of their experience with the Mardin province.
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