Exploring the Nexus of Tourism and Technology Acceptance: A Bibliometric Analysis
Tourism, Technology acceptance, Bibliometric analysis, BibliometrixAbstract
This article offers a comprehensive bibliometric analysis examining the complex relationship between technological acceptance and tourism. The study examines 313 documents from 183 different sources between 1995 and 2023, with a primary focus on articles (n = 213). Key findings show that this research area first appeared in 1995 and that 856 authors contributed 966 times to its changing environment. Global collaborations are led by China, the USA, and, surprisingly, Malaysia; this highlights the international character of modern research. The selection of essential journals is guided by Bradford's Law, which emphasizes "Sustainability" as a key resource. Lodka's Law highlights the contributions of a small number of extremely productive writers while revealing complex authorship interactions. Information technology and user acceptance are two examples of thematic focal points that are found through word cloud analysis. Global research clusters are identified by Collaboration Network analysis across nations, organizations, and authors. These analyses provide important information for future research orientations, industry, and academia. This research adds to the growing body of knowledge regarding how technology affects travel by offering guidance to academics, industry professionals, and decision-makers on how to navigate this complex intersection.
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