Gastronomi Turizmi Kapsamında Rize’deki Restoranlara Yapılan Çevrim İçi Yorumların İncelenmesi (Examination of Online Comments Made on Restaurants in Rize within the Scope of Gastronomy Tourism)


  • Can AKTUNA



Gastronomy tourism, eWOM, Content analysis, Online reviews


The objective of this study is to analyse user comments on restaurants selected based on various criteria in Rize province, within the scope of gastronomy tourism. The study aims to identify positive and negative aspects of these businesses based on the collected data. Based on the findings, recommendations will be made to improve the businesses and meet customer expectations. The data was collected from the TripAdvisor website and analysed using the MAXQDA programme. The analysis revealed that positive visitor comments about restaurants in Rize focused on local flavours, scenery, and hospitality, while negative comments highlighted issues with location, unprofessional service, and price. Suggestions have been made for operators and policymakers based on these findings.


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How to Cite

AKTUNA , C. (2024). Gastronomi Turizmi Kapsamında Rize’deki Restoranlara Yapılan Çevrim İçi Yorumların İncelenmesi (Examination of Online Comments Made on Restaurants in Rize within the Scope of Gastronomy Tourism). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(4), 3635–3649.