Duygusal Yeme (Emotional Eating)


  • Sıla DURAN
  • Mesut Murat ADABALI




Emotional eating, Psychology, Negative emotions, Nutrition


When individuals find themselves in difficult situations, experience anger, happiness, depression, or other emotional distress, they engage in excessive eating behavior. Certain emotional states influence emotional eating, such as anger, stress, happiness, depression, boredom, and more. Food and beverages serve not only to meet individuals' physiological or biological needs to sustain their lives but also to fulfill their psychological needs. Emotions, as well as logic, are factors that assist in the decision-making process. Age, gender, and physical and mental stages cause individuals to experience changes in their emotional states. Individuals' food choices and consumption are also influenced by their emotional states. One of the methods to change this situation is to find solutions for negative emotional states and eliminate them. Unless psychological problems are completely resolved, interventions from external sources will only provide temporary solutions for individuals with emotional eating issues. Besides seeking psychological support, special diets and treatments are sought to address these problems. In the study, a total of 72 articles were found related to the subject, and among them, a total of 11 studies conducted between 2013 and 2023 were examined. The studies were analyzed in terms of their type and purpose. Then, all the studies were examined in the light of the literature. According to the research results, it was concluded that emotional eating behavior is positively influenced by parental attitudes, suppressed emotions, stress, anger, boredom, and many other factors.


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How to Cite

DURAN , S. ., & ADABALI , M. M. . (2023). Duygusal Yeme (Emotional Eating). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(3), 1873–1890. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1272