Coğrafi İşaret Alma Sürecinde, Avanos-Nevşehir Testi Kebabına ait Standart Reçetenin Oluşturulması (Preparing Standard Recipe of Avanos-Nevşehir Pottery Kebab in the Process of Geographical Indication)


  • Mustafa Kadir ESEN



Gastronomy, Pottery kebab, Cappadocia, Avanos, Geographical indication


For the development of gastronomy tourism, which contributes to regional development, it is very important for the local people to protect their local dishes. Cappadocia region where nature and history are integrated in the best way, has special tastes in terms of gastronomy. One of the best examples of this is the pottery kebab prepared with the potteries produced in the district of Avanos where Kızılırmak passes. The traditional Pottery kebab is prepared by placing the meat and other ingredients in the Avanos potteries, which have received a geographical indication in the Avanos district, by cooking them in the tandoori. Tourists, who come to the Cappadocia region, want to taste this local food. However, according to the researches, especially when the platforms where the customer evaluations are examined, it was observed that most of the special taste was not prepared by the manufacturer in accordance with its original. This situation causes the region to lose a value in terms of gastronomic tourism. The local products representing the region where they are located can be registered and putted under protection with geographical indication. This study was carried out to investigate the Pottery kebab and making processes in the Cappadocia region, to establish scientifically the standard recipe and to contribute to the geographical indication registration process.


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How to Cite

DEMİR ÖZER, E. ., & ESEN , M. K. . (2023). Coğrafi İşaret Alma Sürecinde, Avanos-Nevşehir Testi Kebabına ait Standart Reçetenin Oluşturulması (Preparing Standard Recipe of Avanos-Nevşehir Pottery Kebab in the Process of Geographical Indication). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(2), 805–817.