Hediyelik Eşya Özgünlük Algısının Tatmin ve Davranışsal Niyetler Üzerindeki Etkisi: Turist Rehberinin Düzenleyici Rolü (The Impact of Souvenir Authenticity Perception on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: The Moderating Role of the Tourist Guide)
Souvenir, Satisfaction, Behavioral intention, Tourist guide competenceAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the perception of authenticity in purchasing souvenirs of tourists visiting Nevşehir region, to determine whether this perception has an effect on satisfaction and behavior alintentions, and if there is, whether tourist guides have a regulatory role. For this purpose, a research model has been developed to determine whether the tourist guide has a regulatory role on the satisfaction and behavioral intention perceptions of tourists in their authenticity souvenir purchasing behavior. In this model, scalesused in previous studies were used to measure variables. The scope of the study consisted of domestic and foreign tourists who visited the Cappadocia region and participated in guided tours. Quantitative research method wasused in the study and data were collected by question naire technique. The convenience sampling method was used in this study, and 397 valid surveys were collected. The research results revealed that the authenticity perception in souvenir purchases has a significant effect on satisfaction levels and behavioral intentions. As the competence of tourist guides increases, so does the tourists' souvenir purchasing behavior. At the same time, the authenticity of souvenirs, facilitated by the competence of tourist guides, positively affects tourists' satisfaction levels.
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