Turistlerin Risk ve Güvenlik Algılarının Algılanan Değer ve Destinasyon Tercihine Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perceptions of Risk and Security on Perceived Value and Destination Preference)


  • Ahmet KARATAŞ
  • Seda ŞAHİN




Perceived risk, Perceived value, Safety perception, Destination preference


It is important to know how the offered goods and services together with the resources are perceived by the consumers so that a destination can compete with other destinations with similar characteristics. Because negative perceptions related to risk and safety caused by the destination can affect the destination selection process and the purchasing behavior of consumers while purchasing goods and services. This study aims to determine the relationship between risk and safety perceptions of touristic consumers with their value perceptions and to reveal the effect of these relationships on destination preference. Determining the risk, safety, and value perception levels of tourists towards the destination is beneficial in terms of contributing to the evaluation of destination services, product planning, and marketing of the destination. The findings of this study, whose data were collected from the tourists visiting the province of Antalya with the convenience sampling method, show that the risk and safety perceptions of the tourists affect the perceived value and destination preference.


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How to Cite

KARATAŞ , A. ., & ŞAHİN , S. . (2023). Turistlerin Risk ve Güvenlik Algılarının Algılanan Değer ve Destinasyon Tercihine Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perceptions of Risk and Security on Perceived Value and Destination Preference). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 580–603. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1208

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